Thursday, September 29, 2016

High School Friends Verse College Friends

4 Different types of friends in High School and College

High School and college friends are very different. As a freshman in high school you think that all the friends you had in middle school will be with you when you walk across the stage, but in reality they won't. Typically college students are leaving behind all their high school friends and starting at a new place, with new people, and with new goals. 

High School

In high school you share all the same goals; get that high school diploma.

 In high school, you already have a "squad". 

So what 4 types of friends do you have in high school?

1. The Gossip friend.
"I'm not judging, but did you hear how many guys she was with last weekend?"

This is the friend that you talk to about other people, but when it comes to your own business you are somehow speechless. You don't want them to know your business, because you think they will tell other people. You don't hangout outside of school, but act close in class.

2. The Inseparable friend.
This friend you guys go and do everything together and know each others secrets. You guys are always spotted everywhere together. If one is here the other is a step behind.  You guys dance with routines, laugh at inside jokes that others would find you mentally insane for, and your family is their family.

3. The Awkward friend.
This friend you never know if you should engage in conversations with, but you tell people y'all are friends. You have those "hey,how are you?" conversations. Both of you pretend to be friends but never hangout. Neither of you know what to say, but when you talk it is only at school or when you randomly run in to them at a school activity. It's so awkward, but if anyone asks " Oh ya girl, I know her! We are friends"

4. The Crazy friend.
This friend brings out your crazy side. Whenever you two hangout, you get crazy and are always the life of the party. They can get you of your comfort zone, but you never regret it because you always have fun doing crazy stuff.  For some odd reason, they are the only ones that can get you to relax and have fun. Hanging out with them means, suddenly you have moves like Jagger, you talk more than normal, and you do things you never thought you would do.

Now what about college friends?

The friends you make in college are a little different, because everyone is on the lookout for new friends. Therefore, people are nicer at the beginning but later turn crazy.

1. The Roommate friend.
This is inevitable, you live together so you have to like each other. In college they are the first to see you at your Lindsay Lohan, but first to see you at your Beyonce. Image result for take me at my lindsay lohan or you don't get me at beyonce They are the first friend you have, therefore at first you are inseparable. However, as time goes on you hangout less and make different friends. No matter what tho, you always come home to them!

2.The Party friend.
This one is no doubt the wildest person. They are always on the lookout for the next party, and always call you to come be a DD. The only time you hangout with them is when you are stressed or need a break from reality.  Never a dull moment with this one. This friend is only around you when you are not studying or in class.

3. The Freshman friend.
This one is the first friend you make your freshman year (besides your roommate), because you are desperate for a friend. You guys go everywhere together, but then you meet other people during these shenanigans. Nothing is really wrong with this friend, but they were mainly there so you weren't alone. You might not be real compatible, but you hangout occasionally.
Y'all share great memories and keep little contact, but you are totally cool with it.

4. The Where Have You Been All My Life friend.
You may not meet this one right away, but once you finally do meet it is like meeting your soulmate in a friend way. You all share everything in common. This is a cherished friendship, because you can talk about everything and anything from who you were 10 years ago to how you slept through all of your class binge watching Grey's Anatomy. They know all your secrets like who your crush was in Kindergarten to the secret hood person you are deep down. Car rides are meant for giving each other concerts and then performing for everyone else when you get somewhere. This is the friend who will be in your wedding, there to watch your kids grow up, and to make life an adventure.

All of these friendships are needed, because it is always nice to have people bring you down to earth and talk about life and future goals. It is also nice to have friends who make you forget your stress and ensure you have fun ; forget about your test in two weeks and have one night out. What makes life great is the people we share it with!